Wow. It was only a second year, but what a year. In many ways it felt like first year: it was the first year that we threw our doors open in June knowing exactly who we are and what we offer: a free space for trans and queer people to come have an intimate experience in nature.

non-binary goodness

Nearly 30 queers passed through here this year, including the six that formed Iberia’s first Non-binary Gathering, an event that next year we will make much bigger!

We had people from France, the U.S., North africa, Israel/Palestine and as far away as the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. People literally came from all around the world this year to meet here in this little queer paradise.

the joys of queer building

Good progress was made in building what will soon be a truly beautiful queer social centre in the wilds.

In this year we also began building strong links with ARELAS, an association for the families of trans minors here in Galiza and we hope to continue building with them for years to come, providing them with a space of their own here in the hills. We were also extremely fortunate to attend and be the receiving association this year for Atardacer Solidario, an annual solidarity party to close off pride month, in June. Their donations will get us closer to finishing the roundwood social centre.

In between building and laughing and exploring nature we also made a treasure map of queer projects that you can visit in Galiza and Portugal! We’ll be keeping it up to date on our page right here on this website.

It has been an absolutely incredible year. Now the rains and darkness of winter has closed around us and so we also have closed for the year. We will rest, plan, and prepare for another year. Not only do we need to raise more money to finish off the construction, but we still haven’t yet reached the monthly minimum we need on Patreon in order to be self-sustaining and stable. We’re very close to reaching our first goal, the half way mark to being a fully funded summer retreat. It would be great to finish the year by hitting that mark. If you’re in a position to, help push us over that line! We’ll be relying on the money we build up in the winter months to be able to make next summer a wonderful experience for everyone that comes through here.
Thanks so much for everyone who came here and added to the social wealth of this place, and thanks to all of our patrons who keep this place running: you are our angels, and visitors to Sete Outeiros really appreciate what you do.
Thanks everyone! Have good winters, stay safe, take care of yourselves, and we’ll see you next year!!