“Where to begin.. I continuously find myself referring to Sete Outeiros as “queer paradise”. I spent three weeks as a wwoofer at this holy permaculture haven. In that time, I experienced a tremendous amount of healing (both physical and emotional), played a multitude of delightful obscure board games, sang and danced to traditional folk songs, learned about the benefits of no-till gardening, began the daunting task of reading Das Kapital, ranted about gender politics, baptized myself in Santo Baño, cuddled with the sweetest pups I’ve ever met.. The list goes on.

In a global society that insists on alienating, invalidating, and traumatizing queer, trans, and gender-nonconforming people, it is so important that safe havens exist for us to heal, love, grow, and resist. Paris, a true friend and comrade, is creating this at Sete Outeiros. I have nothing but gratitude and love for this sweet human and the world that she is bringing to life.”

– Al (Spring 2018)